Friday, August 22, 2003

Some Days The Good Guys Win One

A lot of bloggers (including your humble host) have covered the outrageous harassment of Al Franken, namely Faux News' utterly baseless lawsuit regarding his book, Lies and the Lying Liars et. al.

Well, it seems the judge agrees with us:
U.S. District Judge Denny Chin said Fox's claim was "wholly without merit, both factually and legally."

Wednesday, August 20, 2003

Whom The Gods Would Destroy

Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad. -- Euripides

Why are American soldiers dying in Iraq?

There were a lot of complex forces involved in garnering the popular acceptance of this war. The actual reasons they went in are, of course, money (oil) and power (empire). As the current pathetic debacle proves, liberation had nothing to do with it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2003

Unbalanced Fare and Faux News

As any regular visitor to Blogistan is aware by now, News Corp (the company that owns Fox News) is suing Al Franken, in what has to be the most blatant harassment lawsuit in history, over his new book, Lies and the Lying Liars et al. That this suit might be taken seriously by even our judicial system, where Justice Antonin "What Constitution" Scalia can be part of SCotUS, is frightening enough. What concerns me, however, is the implication that Fox News is still considered balanced or fair by anyone.

Sunday, August 17, 2003

Immaculate Deception

There's one problem with criticisms of George W. Bush. He's perfect.

At least, that's what Republican leaders seem to claim. Forget malfeasance -- any time the Bush administration is accused of being sloppy, or even if a hint of a mistake somehow slips into the mainstream media, their publicity machine moves to crush the very notion that President Bush could be anything other than flawless. After all -- we are at WAR, and he is our PRESIDENT, and anything that could be even REMOTELY CONSTRUED as UNDERMINING him borders on the TREASONOUS!

Friday, August 08, 2003

Buy Tom's Book

Since it's a tradition for me to post twice in a row... ;-)

Tom Tomorrow is one of the best progressive bloggers and cartoonists out there. One of his 'toons inspired the subtitle of this very blog. And his new book is out. He could use the support -- cartooning is his livelihood. His cartoons are always either hilarious or thought-provoking, and frequently both.

Tom's pushing his book very aggressively on his site -- and he's not usually one for "crass commercialism" (in spite of a link with the same name on the border of his site :-) ) himself.

Follow one of the many links on his site to Powell's or Amazon. (That way, Tom gets the referral, too.) We've already done so. Buy. Read. Enjoy.

(/) Roland
Big Tom Tomorrow Fan (duh :-D )

The Memory Hole Is Clogged

Well, well, well. Our Dear Leader is getting desperate, isn't he? President Bush -- the employer of more spin doctors than Fox, Microsoft, and Disney combined -- actually had the nerve to accuse his opponents of being "revisionist historians." Meanwhile, Generalissimo Rove has mobilized the spin doctors and the attack pundits to revise history as quickly and completely as possible.

Translation: The memory hole is clogged, and no amount of spin is clearing out the mess.