"The stakes in the global war on terror are too high and the national interest is too important for politicians to throw out false charges," the president said in his combative Veterans Day speech.Yeah, no kidding, Dubya. Imagine starting a war with the wrong friggin' country based on exaggerations and outright lies. A war that virtually eliminated our ability to fight terrorists in their real centers of power and allowed enemies who have openly stated their hate and fear of America to build nuclear weapons. A war in which our leaders then compromised our moral authority (when they realized how badly they screwed up) by encouraging and possibly ordering the torture of POWs, most of whom are innocent civilians caught in poorly conducted sweeps run mostly by teenagers who don't speak Arabic. Oh, and throw melting children with phosphorous on top, and covering it up for a year.
Yeah, I think the national interest is kind of important to be letting that kind of crap happen.
Mmmaybe Bush shouldn't be talking about the stakes of a conflict he's all but conceding to the enemies who, you know, actually want to kill us.
(/) Roland X
Okay, this time Res Ipsa didn't quite Loquitur. Even I still need to rant about these nutjobs sometimes.
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