Wednesday, September 24, 2003

This Is How You Run A Primary

Here's a look at why I'm for Clean Dean:
Dean campaign manager Joe Trippi was less critical. "I know we were surprised yesterday [Thursday] when we heard he said he would have voted for the resolution," he said. "But, look, he just got in the race. This is a new world of politics, and I think you've got to give him some time so we can learn where his positions are. But we think he's going to have an impact on the race, and other candidates should take him seriously. We do."
PRESS: ...Now, OK, I'm Howard Dean. I'm anti-war, and I come along, and I'm Wesley Clark, and I'm anti-war, but I'm a four-star General. Checkmate, right?

STEVE MCMAHON, SENIOR STRATEGIST, DEAN CAMPAIGN: Do you think so? Well, I think that's something that the voters are going to have to decide... I mean, listen, we were one of the first people in this race to say the truth, which is that Wesley Clark is going to be a strong candidate. He has a lot to offer our party and our country and Howard Dean welcomed him into the race. His experience as a general is important, and it's significant. We think Howard Dean's experience as a governor is important and significant. He's got quite a few accomplishments as well, so, you know, the voters are going to make this decision.
Yeah, that Dean, he'll do anything to win, won't he?

(Quotes found at Billmon and The Horse.)

He's honest, he's honorable, he says what he stands for, and he states outright that practically no one is going to agree with him on every single issue. However, we've seen that he will listen to the American people and fight like hell for us. Dean's even willing (as the quotes above show) to put the all-important victory over Bush well ahead of his own ambition.

Oh yeah, and I agree with him on almost every single issue.

Check him out.

I'll back the eventual nominee with everything I've got. For now, however, Go Dean Go!

(/) Roland X
Take Your Country Back

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