Thursday, October 16, 2003

I've Got Your Good News Right Here

Oh, yeah, things are going really well in Iraq.

From the article Hesiod quotes:
A broad survey of U.S. troops in Iraq by a Pentagon-funded newspaper found that half of those questioned described their unit's morale as low and their training as insufficient, and said they do not plan to reenlist.
Now, the survey in question was not conducted with scientific accuracy. So let's conduct a little thought experiment. Let's give the survey a gigantic margin of error -- 10%. Let's say that the "librul media" (and we all know how liberal the Stars and Stripes is, right?) skewed the results positive.

Even being that friendly to the results, we're still looking at a minimum of (130,000 * 40%) 52,000 members of our armed forces who are planning on bailing once their tours are up. Given the massive manpower problems we're facing now...what is that going to do to the War on Terra?

(/) Roland X
Way to support our troops, Dubya

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