Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Word of the Day

Demonstrably. Adverb. That which is capable of being demonstrated and/or proven.

Someone get RNC chair Gillespie a dictionary:
"This is a demonstrably false and malicious charge that would be slanderous under any ordinary circumstance."
For the record, Mr. Gillespie, you could clear this up in about five minutes by, you know, demonstrating that it's false, which you just said you could. [Edit: In case you missed it, the "malicious charge" refers to Bush's missing service time in the Air National Guard. During Vietnam. While Senator Kerry and General Clark were getting shot at -- and in Clark's case, actually getting shot.]

If he can't find attendance records, here are some other resources he can use to demonstrate how false this charge is.

Unless this isn't an ordinary circumstance because it's, you know, the truth. We certainly all understand how that would be considered extraordinary by someone with a position of authority in the Republican party.

Don't we?

(/) Roland X
Helping Republicans with their English lessons since 2003

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