Monday, September 15, 2003

Flash! Democrats Fight Back! Republicans Cry Like Babies!

Wow. You call a President a "miserable failure" a few times, and look what happens.

We've already seen the Republicans accuse, well, anyone who questions them, of "aiding and abetting the enemy." More recently, we've heard, "The Democratic candidates continued their patter of political hate speech. These kinds of harsh, bitter personal attacks are unprecedented in the history of presidential politics," from RNC chairman Ed Gillespie after the second Democratic debate, and their website attacks the party for "pessimism and protest."

Gosh, you'd think we had an opposition party. Or something. (And Clinton doesn't count, of course. He was a liar and a murderer and had extramarital sex. So harsh, bitter personal attacks were completely justified.)

Since September 11, 2001, the Republicans have maintained a policy of "if you're not with us, you're un-American." For nearly two years, they successfully cowed the Democratic party into submission. Man, they got used to that fast. Still, this is endemic of a major blind spot for conservatives, particularly the NuCon variety: liberals are supposed to be wimps.

Seriously, that's how they think. It's like a rule for them. For some, it borders on a law of physics. Sure, you can point heroes like Martin Luther King and Mahatma Gandhi to them, but ironically, making them virtual saints has allowed some conservatives to mentally disassociate these figures from liberalism -- they transcend ideology, rather than representing one.

Never mind that progressives have traditionally had to face police forces eager to harass them, legal actions ranging from the dubious to outright framing, and even assassinations. Never mind that even the "foot soldiers" of the movement must march under sniper rifles and surrounded by lines of cops, and stories of marchers being herded into patently unjust mass arrests are widespread. Never mind that we must constantly fear for our jobs and our reputations, as we are under constant assault from those who claim to represent the "one true ideology" of our nation.

And yet behold, after pushing us and slandering us and marginalizing us (with, tragically, our acceptance), the Republicans, NuCons and religious wingnuts in particular, are howling in protest (and fear) at our furious response. How dare we resort to such tactics! How could we attack those poor, defenseless bullies like that? And pointing out the relentless wave of lies, cover-ups, and erosions of our freedoms is simply beyond the pale!

In other words, how dare we give as good as we get?

You know, when a bully torments a geek enough times, sooner or later the geek realizes that no amount of appeasement, fawning, or submission will provide any protection. Sooner or later, there's only going to be one option -- fighting back.

Fasten your seat belts, folks, cause you ain't seen nothin' yet.

(/) Roland X
Hit 'em high! Hit 'em low! Hit 'em fast! Hit 'em slow!
Ah, heck, just hit 'em! 8^)

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