Sunday, September 14, 2003

John "Himmler" Ashcroft Shows True Colors

It was never about terrorism:
In the two years since law enforcement agencies gained fresh powers to help them track down and punish terrorists, police and prosecutors have increasingly turned the force of the new laws not on al-Qaida cells but on people charged with common crimes.

The Justice Department said it has used authority given to it by the USA Patriot Act to crack down on currency smugglers and seize money hidden overseas by alleged bookies, con artists and drug dealers.


"Within six months of passing the Patriot Act, the Justice Department was conducting seminars on how to stretch the new wiretapping provisions to extend them beyond terror cases," said Dan Dodson, a spokesman for the National Association of Criminal Defense Attorneys.


Tim Lynch, director of the Project on Criminal Justice at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank, said it isn't far fetched to believe that the government might overstep its bounds again.

"I don't think that those are frivolous fears," Lynch said. "We've already heard stories of local police chiefs creating files on people who have protested the (Iraq) war ... The government is constantly trying to expand its jurisdictions, and it needs to be watched very, very closely."
And we all know what a bunch of pansy liberals run the Cato Institute.

Our freedoms are under direct, immediate assault. I've been trying to avoid statements this inflammatory, but with such obvious evidence at hand, I can say with a clear conscience that the Bush Administration must be kicked out in 2004 if we want to have a free country. If Rove gets his puppet elected, I seriously doubt that the 2008 election -- if it is even held -- will have any meaning whatsoever.

(/) Roland X
Liberty And Justice For All, Dammit!

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