Monday, January 12, 2004

Nakedly Craven

Found through Buzzflash, this article from the NY Daily News:
Getting an extension could be a political headache for Bush if the final 9/11 report is issued in the summer. Kean, a Republican, has said the report will name names and point to failures in the Bush administration.
Good for him. It's nice to know there are still honest Republicans.

The White House response?
The White House proposed greenlighting the extension if the commission would agree to release the report after the November election, but then officials pulled back the offer, Newsweek reported yesterday.
Sure, we knew they were this conniving, but so openly? They can't think they can get away with it, can they?

Oh, wait. So far, they have. Never mind...

(/) Roland X
One Wing to Bring Them All and in the Darkness Bind Them
In the Land of Crawford Where the Shadows Lie

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